Seal of The 7 Archangels Protection Ring | Metatron Cube Ring Amulet | Lilith Sigil Vintage Ring Jewelry
Seal of The 7 Archangels Protection Ring | Metatron Cube Ring Amulet | Lilith Sigil Vintage Ring Jewelry
Our Sigil Engraved Rings present the following features:
- Material: Copper;
- Gender: Unisex;
- Surface width: 16mm;
- Weight: 6.8g;
- Thickness: 1mm;
- Sizes (US): 8, 9, and 10;
- Colors:
- Antique Silver,
- Antique Copper, or
- Antique Bronze;
- Sigils:
- Seven Archangels,
- Lilith or
- Metatron.
What is the meaning behind our Metatron Cube Ring?
Archangel Metatron is considered one of the most powerful in existence. Mightier than Michael, he is seen as a supreme Angel, worshiped and celebrated in Jewish, Christian, and esoteric cultures.
Metatron's Cube has a strong meaning as a sacred sigil, and some magicians use it as protection. The Sacred Geometry sign symbolizes saving from the powers of demons and dark spirits.
What are Angel Sigils?
Angel Sigils are magical symbols used to call for angels. The first register of Angel Sigils is seen in the 17th-century "The Grimoire of Armadel," an ancient yet valuable book of popularized Christian sigil magic. The book is illustrated with intricate sigils and invocations used to call forth the power of the Archangels.
Who's Lilith?
In Sumerian mythology, Lilith was the Queen of Heaven. However, later in history, Hebrews incorporated Lilith's figure into the story of Adam when shaping their religious dogmas,
Therefore, Lilith was Adam's first wife in Hebrew mythology. She would have become a demon for having refused sexual submission (because she understood that she should relate in an egalitarian way) and for having abandoned Adam.
Today, we understand that Lilith represents wise women who seek freedom and fight for ways of coexistence that do not disrespect their existence and potential.
For many in our days, Lilith thus represents insurgency against patriarchy and heteronormativity.