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Apollo Tarot

The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case

The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case

Regular price $23.08 USD
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Do you believe in twin flames?

Well, your phone just found the love of his life! Our sleek The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case not only protects your phone from scratches and dust but also states the wondrous witch you are.

The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case Meaning:

Do you feel most attracted to a specific tarot card? Use your intuition to choose the tarot card that resonates deeper within you.⁣

⚡️If you choose The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case, you are someone that thinks outside the box and break paradigms! You're creative and unpredictable. Because of that, people might feel intimidating by you, as they fear uncertainty, and what they cannot understand. But in reality, you're smarter than everyone else, and you know what's right to do, even if that brings disruption to the conventional world. You must fight for what you believe, as you are one of those few persons that understand that after the storm comes a rainbow!

All 22 Major Arcana cards available (The Lovers tarot card).

Why choosing The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case:

The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case has a solid back and flexible sides that make it easy to take on and off, with precisely aligned port openings, featuring:

  • BPA free Hybrid Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) and Polycarbonate (PC) material
  • Solid polycarbonate back
  • .5 mm raised bezel
  • Wireless charging compatibility

The Tower Tarot Card Phone Case is made in the USA with an exclusive design by Apollo Tarot.

Tarot Card Phone Case | Apollo Tarot

All 22 Major Arcana cards available (The Empress tarot card).

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