First, a small briefing on our Taurus Season flight:
Aries season 2021 started the astrological year in a fast-paced, upbeat, and maybe a bit turbulent take-off. But the vibe’s changing on April 19, when our astroplane is reaching cruising altitude.
Yes, there’s still plenty to work on but take some time to enjoy the view.
Still, there will be times you may want to close your window shade because there will be a lot, meaning A LOT, of Taurus energy that may blind your view.
That’s because the Sun is joining Venus and Uranus in Taurus, followed by Mercury. Yes, four planets (okay, technically the Sun isn’t a planet) are on Taurus, so we are being shoved by this energy on our faces.
OK, so what can I expect on this Taurus Season?
Taurus season 2021 makes you more hard-working and strong-minded. Still, you balance it with joy and commitment. There’s no need to stress or hurry. Work hard, but when the night comes, prepare a wonderful dinner, listen to your favorite music, and pop a good bottle of wine.
You’re not flying economy. This Taurus season, treat yourself to some first-class service.
Taurus Season Tarot Spread: Work Hard And Play Hard!
So, are you ready to make the most of this Taurus Season? Shuffle your favorite tarot deck, take a deep breath, and ask yourself the following questions:
- How can I bring more fun and pleasure to my life?
- What can I do to improve my work habits?
- How can I best work on my anxiety and stress level?
![Make The Most Of 2021’s Taurus Season [Tarot Spread] | Apollo Tarot](
Extra activity for this Taurus season:
As an extra activity, you may want to meditate on the Hierophant Tarot Card, as this Major Arcana corresponds to Taurus in Astrology.
The Tarot was linked with Astrology first through Aleister Crowley’s works (who authored the Thoth deck) and Arthur Edward Waite (of the Rider-Waite deck). How do you think the Hierophant Tarot Card links to Taurus energy? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Share your Taurus Season Tarot Spread with us!
Please share your answers with me on any of our social media channels using the hashtag #apollotarot. Or leave your thoughts here in the comments. I’d love to see them! See you the following April 26, in the Full Moon in Scorpio!

“If you follow all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun” — Katharine Hepburn (she was a sassy taurus 👀)