Norse Mythology 101: Introduction, Chronology, And Glossary | Apollo Tarot Blog

Norse Mythology 101: Introduction, Chronology, And Glossary

Norse mythology is a collection of stories and beliefs from ancient Scandinavian cultures. It includes tales of gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters passed down through oral tradition for centuries before being written down in the 13th century.

Norse Mythology 101: Introduction, Chronology, And Glossary | Apollo Tarot Blog

At the center of Norse mythology are the gods known as the Aesir¹, who live in Asgard², a realm connected to Midgard²⁷ (the world of humans) by a rainbow bridge called Bifrost⁶. The most powerful of the Aesir is Odin³², the god of wisdom, war, and death. He is often depicted with one eye, having sacrificed the other for knowledge. Other notable Aesir includes Thor³⁵, the god of thunder and strength, and Loki²⁶, the trickster god who often causes trouble for the other gods.

The Norse also believed in a group of female deities, the Vanir³⁷, associated with fertility, love, and magic. The most prominent Vanir is Freyja¹³, the goddess of love and beauty.

In addition to the gods, Norse mythology features a variety of creatures and monsters. These include giants, dwarves, elves, and dragons. One of the most famous monsters is Jormungandr²¹, a giant serpent who encircles the world and is destined to fight Thor during Ragnarok³³, the world's end.

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Overall, Norse mythology is a rich and complex system of beliefs that has had a lasting impact on popular culture. From Marvel's Thor movies to the popular video game God of War, the stories and characters of Norse mythology continue to captivate audiences around the world.

Norse Mythology: A brief chronological overview of some of the most significant events and legends:

  1. Creation: The world is created from the body of the giant Ymir by the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve.
  2. The Aesir-Vanir War: The two groups of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir, engage in a war that ends with a truce and an exchange of hostages.
  3. The Binding of Fenrir¹⁰: The wolf Fenrir, son of Loki, is bound by the gods after he grows too powerful and threatens to destroy the world.
  4. The Death of Baldr⁴: Baldr, the god of light and beauty, is killed by his blind brother Hodr¹⁹ with a mistletoe spear.
  5. Ragnarok³³: The end of the world, in which the gods and giants battle each other, and the world is destroyed, but a new world is born from the ashes.
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It's worth noting that many of these legends are not told strictly linearly or chronologically, and there are often variations and different versions of the stories depending on the source.

Norse Mythology Legend I - Creation

The creation story in Norse mythology begins with the void known as Ginnungagap¹⁵, which existed before anything else. From this void emerged two worlds: Muspelheim²⁹, a world of fire and heat, and Niflheim³⁰, a world of ice and cold. Between these two worlds was a great chasm, and as the heat from Muspelheim²⁹ met the cold from Niflheim, it created a giant named Ymir³⁹.

Ymir was the first living being in the universe, a giant with no gender. He fed on the milk of a cow named Audhumla³, who herself fed on the salty ice of Niflheim. As Audhumla licked the ice, she uncovered the god Buri⁹, who had been trapped within it. Buri had a son named Bor⁷, who married Bestla⁵, the daughter of the frost giant Bolthorn⁸. Together, they had three sons: Odin³², Vili³⁹, and Ve³⁸.

Odin, Vili, and Ve eventually killed Ymir and used his body to create the world. They used his flesh to make the land, his blood to create the oceans, and his bones to create the mountains. His skull became the sky, and his brain became the clouds. The sparks from Muspelheim²⁹ became the stars, and the dwarves were created from the maggots that infested Ymir's flesh.

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From this act of creation, the gods established their place in the universe and began to shape the world according to their will. This story of creation is one of the most important in Norse mythology, as it establishes the origins of the gods and the world they inhabit. It also sets the stage for other legends and stories that make up Norse mythology.

Norse Mythology Legend II - The Aesir-Vanir War:

The Aesir-Vanir War is a significant event in Norse mythology that occurred after the world's creation. The Aesir were a group of gods who lived in Asgard. At the same time, the Vanir were another group of gods who resided in Vanaheim. The two groups of gods were distinct, with different powers and characteristics.

According to the myth, the war began when the Vanir sent their gods Njord³¹, Freyr¹⁴, and Freyja¹³ to live among the Aesir as hostages. In return, the Aesir sent their gods, Hoenir²⁰ and Mimir²⁸, to live among the Vanir. However, the Vanir soon discovered that Hoenir needed a more decisive leader and Mimir's guidance to make decisions. Feeling cheated, the Vanir beheaded Mimir and sent his head back to the Aesir.

The Aesir were outraged by this act and declared war on the Vanir. The battle lasted for many years, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. Eventually, the two sides agreed to a truce and exchanged hostages once again. This time, the Vanir sent their god Kvasir²³, known for his wisdom, to live among the Aesir. The Aesir killed Kvasir and used his blood to create a magical mead to give anyone who drank it outstanding knowledge and inspiration.

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The Aesir-Vanir War is significant because it represents a clash between two groups of gods with different powers and characteristics. It also shows how the gods were willing to go to war over perceived slights and insults, even though they were supposed to be immortal and all-powerful. The war ended in a truce but set the stage for future conflicts and tensions between the gods.

Norse Mythology Legend III - The Binding Of Fenrir:

The Binding of Fenrir¹⁰ is a significant event in Norse mythology involving the gods and the powerful wolf Fenrir. Fenrir, born to Loki²⁶, the trickster god, is known for his immense size and strength.

As Fenrir grew older, the gods became increasingly concerned about his power and the potential threat he posed to their safety. They tried to bind him with chains, but Fenrir broke free each time. Determined to restrain him, the gods sought the assistance of the dwarves, who crafted a magical chain called Gleipnir¹⁶. Gleipnir was made from six impossible elements:

  • The sound of a cat's footfall
  • The beard of a woman
  • The roots of a mountain
  • The sinews of a bear
  • The breath of a fish
  • The spittle of a bird

The gods presented the chain to Fenrir, challenging him to break free. However, they agreed to this test only if one would place their hand in Fenrir's mouth as a gesture of trust. Tyr⁴², the god of war, willingly offered his hand and showed immense bravery. When Fenrir realized he had been deceived, he bit off Tyr's hand, severing it.

Fenrir remained bound by Gleipnir until the end of the world, known as Ragnarok³³, when he would break free and join the giants in their battle against the gods.

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The Binding of Fenrir holds great significance as it reveals the gods' apprehension toward the giants' power, prompting them to resort to extreme measures for self-preservation. It also underscores the importance of cunning and trickery in Norse mythology, where the gods often had to rely on their wits to outsmart their adversaries. Furthermore, this event foreshadows Ragnarok³³, the ultimate fate of the gods and the world they inhabit.

Norse Mythology Legend IV - The Death Of Baldr

The Death of Baldr⁴ is a significant event in Norse mythology that involves the god Baldr, the son of Odin and Frigg¹². Baldr was known for his beauty, wisdom, and kindness and was beloved by all the gods.

However, Baldr began to have dreams of his own death, which troubled him greatly. His mother, Frigg, went to great lengths to protect him, asking every living thing in the world not to harm her son. All agreed except for the mistletoe plant, which Frigg deemed too small and insignificant to pose a threat.

Loki, the trickster god, discovered this weakness and fashioned a spear out of mistletoe. He then convinced Hodr⁹, Baldr's blind brother, to throw the spear at Baldr during a game. The spear pierced Baldr's heart, killing him instantly.

The gods were devastated by Baldr's death and attempted to bring him back to life. They sent Hermod¹⁸, another of Odin's sons, to Hel¹⁷ to plead with the goddess of death to release Baldr. She agreed that every living thing in the world wept for Baldr. Still, Loki disguised himself as an older woman and refused to cry, ensuring that Baldr would remain dead.

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The Death of Baldr is significant because it represents the fragility of life and the inevitability of death, even for the gods. It also shows the power of deception and trickery in Norse mythology. Loki can use his cunning to bring about Baldr's demise. Finally, it sets the stage for future conflicts between the gods and Loki, who becomes an increasingly influential figure in Norse mythology.

Norse Mythology Legend V - Ragnarok

Ragnarok³³ is the final event in Norse mythology, which marks the end of the world and the beginning of a new one. The word "Ragnarok³³" means "fate of the gods," it is a time when the gods and giants will engage in a great battle that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the world.

According to the myth, Ragnarok will begin with a long winter known as Fimbulwinter¹¹, during which there will be no summers, and the world will be plunged into darkness. Three roosters will crow one in Hel, the realm of the dead; one in Jotunheim²², the land of the giants; and one in Asgard, the home of the gods.

The gods will know that Ragnarok has begun when the giant Surtr³⁴ appears from Muspelheim²⁹, carrying a flaming sword that will set the world ablaze. The gods will ride out to meet the giants in battle, led by Odin, who will be killed by the wolf Fenrir. Thor will fight the serpent Jormungandr, and they will kill each other.

Finally, the world will be destroyed, and a new one will rise. The surviving gods and two humans, Lif²⁴ and Lifthrasir²⁵, will emerge from hiding and repopulate the world. Two new ones will replace The sun and moon, and the gods will rebuild their homes in Asgard.

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Ragnarok is significant because it represents the cyclical nature of life and death in Norse mythology. It also shows the importance of bravery and honor in the face of inevitable destruction, as the gods are willing to fight to the death to protect their world. Finally, it offers hope for a new beginning and a fresh start, even in the face of total annihilation.

Norse Mythology Glossary - Key Figures And Concepts:

  1. Aesir: The Aesir are a group of Norse mythology gods residing in Asgard. They are associated with war, wisdom, and ruling over various aspects of the cosmos.
  2. Asgard: Asgard is the celestial realm and stronghold of the Aesir gods in Norse mythology. It is depicted as a magnificent city high above Midgard (the human realm) and connected by the Bifrost bridge.
  3. Audhumla: Audhumla is a primordial cow in Norse mythology. She emerged from the ice of Ginnungagap (the primordial void) and nourished the giant Ymir with her milk.
  4. Baldr: In Norse mythology, Baldr is a beloved god of beauty, light, and innocence. He is the son of Odin and Frigg, and his death is foretold to trigger the events of Ragnarok.
  5. Bestla: Bestla is a giantess and the mother of Odin, Vili, and Ve in Norse mythology. She is married to Borr and plays a significant role in creating the cosmos.
  6. Bifrost: Bifrost is a rainbow bridge that connects Asgard, the realm of the gods, to Midgard, the realm of humans, in Norse mythology. It is said to be guarded by the god Heimdall.
  7. Bor: Bor is an ancient and powerful god in Norse mythology. He is the father of Odin, Vili, and Ve and is associated with creating the cosmos.
  8. Bolthorn: a frost giant said to have emerged from the primordial realm of Ginnungagap. This vast void existed before the world's creation.
  9. Buri: Buri is the first god in Norse mythology and the grandfather of Odin, Vili, and Ve. He emerged from the ice of Ginnungagap and played a role in the world's creation.
  10. Fenrir: Fenrir, also known as Fenrisúlfr, is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology. He is the son of Loki and is destined to play a significant role in the events of Ragnarok.
  11. Fimbulwinter: Fimbulwinter is a severe, prolonged winter in Norse mythology that precedes Ragnarok. It is a time of chaos and serves as a harbinger of the approaching end of the world.
  12. Frigg: Frigg is a goddess in Norse mythology and the wife of Odin. She is associated with marriage, motherhood, and domestic life. Frigg is also known for her prophetic abilities and role in weaving individuals' destinies.
  13. Freyja: Freyja is a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, and war in Norse mythology. She is a member of the Vanir, a group of gods associated with fertility and prosperity.
  14. Freyr: Freyr is a god of fertility, prosperity, and peace in Norse mythology. He is the brother of Freyja and a member of the Vanir.
  15. Ginnungagap: Ginnungagap is the primordial void in Norse mythology, described as the empty space that existed before the world's creation. It is the gap between the realms of fire (Muspelheim²⁹) and ice (Niflheim).
  16. Gleipnir: Gleipnir is a magical chain in Norse mythology used to bind the monstrous wolf Fenrir. It was crafted by the dwarves from impossible things, such as the sound of a cat's footfall and the roots of a mountain.
  17. Hel: Hel is the realm of the dead in Norse mythology. It is ruled by the goddess Hel, who presides over those who die of old age or illness and do not go to Valhalla or Fólkvangr.
  18. Hermod: Hermod is a god in Norse mythology and the son of Odin. He undertakes a perilous journey to Hel to try and bring back the slain god Baldr.
  19. Hodr: Hodr is a blind god in Norse mythology. He is known for accidentally killing his brother Baldr with a mistletoe dart, which leads to his own death during Ragnarok.
  20. Hoenir: Hoenir is a god in Norse mythology, often depicted as tall and handsome. He is associated with wisdom and is known for being one of the three gods involved in the creation of humans.
  21. Jormungandr: Jormungandr, known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent, is a gigantic serpent in Norse mythology. It encircles the world and is destined to fight against Thor during Ragnarok.
  22. Jotunheim: Jotunheim is one of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology, inhabited by the Jotnar, also known as giants. It is a harsh and rugged realm, contrasting with the realm of Asgard, and is home to various giant beings, some of whom interact with the gods.
  23. Kvasir: Kvasir is a being in Norse mythology created from the saliva of the gods. He is known for his wisdom and becomes a symbol of poetic inspiration.
  24. Lif: Lif is a woman who, along with Lifthrasir, survives the world's destruction in Norse mythology. They emerge from the World Tree Yggdrasil and become the ancestors of a new human race.
  25. Lifthrasir: Lifthrasir is a man who, along with Lif, survives the world's destruction in Norse mythology. They shelter in the World Tree Yggdrasil and become the ancestors of a new human race.
  26. Loki: Loki is a complex Norse mythology figure known as the trickster god. He is a shape-shifter and a mischief-maker, often causing trouble for the gods but aiding them in certain situations.
  27. Midgard: Midgard is one of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology and represents the world of humans. It is located in the middle of Yggdrasil, the World Tree.
  28. Mimir: Mimir is a wise god in Norse mythology who guards the Well of Wisdom beneath Yggdrasil. Odin seeks wisdom by sacrificing his eye to drink from the well.
  29. Muspelheim: Muspelheim is one of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology and is the realm of fire and heat. It is inhabited by the fire giants and ruled by the giant Surtr.
  30. Niflheim: Niflheim is one of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology and is the realm of ice and cold. It is associated with mist, fog, and frozen landscapes.
  31. Njord: Njord is a god associated with the sea, wind, and prosperity in Norse mythology. He is a member of the Vanir and is often invoked for good fortune in seafaring and fishing.
  32. Odin: Odin is the chief god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. He is associated with wisdom, war, poetry, and magic. Odin is often depicted with a long beard and a single eye.
  33. Ragnarok: In Norse mythology, Ragnarok refers to the catastrophic event that signals the end of the world and the final battle between the gods and their enemies. It is a time of great destruction, chaos, and conflict, where key figures such as Odin, Thor, and Loki meet their destined ends. Despite the impending doom, Ragnarok symbolizes the cyclical nature of creation, destruction, and rebirth in Norse mythology, as a new world emerges from the ashes after the cataclysmic event.
  34. Surtr: Surtr is a mighty fire giant in Norse mythology who resides in Muspelheim²⁹. He is destined to lead the giants in the final battle of Ragnarok, wielding a flaming sword.
  35. Thor: Thor is a prominent god in Norse mythology, associated with thunder, lightning, and strength. He wields the mighty hammer Mjolnir and is often depicted as a protector of gods and humans.
  36. Vanaheim: The realm of the Vanir, a group of gods in Norse mythology associated with fertility, wisdom, and nature.
  37. Vanir: The Vanir are a group of Norse mythology gods associated with fertility, nature, and prosperity. They are considered a separate clan of gods from the Aesir and are involved in alliances and conflicts with them.
  38. Ve: Ve is one of the three brothers, along with Odin and Vili, who participate in the world's creation in Norse mythology. He plays a role in the slaying of the primordial giant Ymir.
  39. Vili: Vili is one of the three brothers, along with Odin and Ve, who participate in the world's creation in Norse mythology. He aids in forming the cosmos and plays a role in the slaying of the giant Ymir.
  40. Ymir: Ymir is the primordial giant in Norse mythology slain by Odin, Vili, and Ve. From Ymir's body, the world is created, including the land, sea, sky, and first beings.
  41. Yggdrasil: In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the immense cosmic tree that connects and supports the nine realms of Norse cosmology. It is often called the "World Tree" or "Tree of Life." Yggdrasil is believed to have roots in three different realms: Asgard (the realm of the gods), Midgard (the realm of humans), and Niflheim (the realm of ice and mist). Its branches stretch out to encompass the other realms, including Jotunheim²² (the realm of the giants) and Hel (the realm of the dead). Yggdrasil serves as a central symbol of the interconnectedness of the Norse cosmos. It is associated with stability, wisdom, and the cyclical nature of life.
  42. Tyr: A Norse god associated with war and justice. He is known for his bravery and for sacrificing his hand to bind the wolf Fenrir.

These explanations briefly overview each term, but Norse mythology is rich with intricate stories and symbolism. There are many fascinating tales and characters to discover within this mythological tradition.

About Me | Apollo TarotLeo is the Apollo Tarot founder and a tarot enthusiast. His Moon in Virgo prompted him to share his research on the occult in this blog. As a good Capricorn, he constantly designs and sources tarot-inspired products like phone caseswall art, and jewelry, making his Etsy Shop a success. Though his name is Leo, he does not share many Leo traits, as he's a total introvert and a bit shy #PiscesRising.
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